Post-op Protocols
Foot & Ankle
- Ankle Arthroscopy Debridement
- Ankle Arthroscopy with Bone Marrow Stimulation (Biocartilage)
- Ankle Fusion, Subtalar Fusion, Triple Fusion
- Flatfoot Deformity with Bioresis Screw
- Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy (Os Trigonum Resection)
- Posterior Tibial Tendon Reconstruction
- Kidner Procedure aka Accessory Navicular Resection
- Achilles Tendon Repair
- Lateral Ankle Ligament Repair
- Hallux Rigidus (Cheilectomy)
- Bunion Surgery (Scarf Osteotomy)
- Knee Arthroscopy with Meniscectomy
- Calcaneoendoplasty aka, Haglund's Resection with Achilles Arthroscopy
- Osteochondral Autograft Transplant (OATS)
- 1st MTP Interpositional Arthroplasty with Dermal Graft
- Nanoscope
- Concentrated Bone Marrow Aspiration (CBMA)
Please go to for further details on your post-operative protocol.